COVID-19 Information

Well 2020/2021 sure has had its ups and downs. We are still here for all of your dog walking and pet sitting needs.

Since March 2020, we have been wearing face masks, gloves and or hand sanitizer. As well we are using our own dog leashes that are sanitized after each walk.

All of our team members have been triple vaccinated.

We continue to send all dog walking and pet sitting updates via email and clients are loving these.

We continue to provide initial consults in person using social distancing wearing masks and gloves using hand sanitizer. We do also have the option of virtual consults or outdoor consults.

For our pet sitting clients we are wearing masks in clients homes, limiting the surfaces we touch. Hand washing has always been part of our policies but we have increased the frequency while in all clients homes.

The team and myself are dedicated to helping our clients during these trying times and are committed to protecting our clients, their homes and the communities we serve.

We want to thank all of our clients for their ongoing support and plan to continue to service Kingston and the surrounding area for another 22 years.

Thank you and stay safe!

The team of Pet Parade Plus


Updated COVID-19 Protocols

 face masks and gloves

We are now wearing face masks and gloves and using our own leashes that we disinfect in-between visits

daily dog walking notes

We have also switched to sending our daily dog walking notes via the software from outside the client’s homes after we are done with the walks rather than leaving a paper note.

walk meet us at the door

Additionally most of the dogs we walk meet us at the door or we have been getting them from the client’s secure fenced yards so we do not need to go into most of the client’s homes.

Sign up for our pet care services today!

Contact us to schedule your FREE initial consultation and we will set up an appointment at your convenience to meet with you and your pet(s). We will discuss and determine all of the services that would best suit your needs and gather important information about your pet.
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